
Working from Home…Week 1

Since moving to Florida a week ago and able to work from home I have concocted a list of likes and dislikes. Before the move, I have talked to a couple of friends that have done or currently are working from home so I kind of knew some things to expect and how to deal with things. So far, my biggest issue: having no on to talk to (minus my dog and my co-workers online). Real bummer, but it has been nice in some aspects!


  1.  I can now go running on my lunch break and not worry about being all gross upon my return to work. Of course I care, but there are also more opportunities to shower on my breaks.
  2. Training my dog. My boyfriend and I decided to get a puppy to keep the older dog company when we’re gone. Ok, ok, she was a decision because I think puppies are just cute and fun. Also, much easier to train when I have time to curb her behavior.
  3. No commute! Not having to deal with bull shit traffic is a super added bonus.


  1. I started smoking more. Not that much, really, but going from no cigarettes throughout the day to now about 3.
  2. Can be boring not having anyone to talk to. Being in the city for a week, it’s not like I have a multitude of friends, but every now and then it’s nice for some social interaction. Other than my boyfriend. So, we go to the bar…which leads to…
  3. Drinking. I guess it is a good thing I am off-setting this with my like #1.

I was originally worried that I would be too distracted with shit to do around the house, but it’s actually been kind of nice and easier than I thought. I still get up, dress, brush my teeth, get my coffee or tea and sit down at my monitors. Maybe it also helps that there is work to do versus being in an ebb. I’m still considering getting an office at a co-op, but I think I might milk this nice little set-up I have going on.


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By lkranak

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